The Scope Of World History

The Scope Of World History

The goal of world history is to draw students’ attention to the many accomplishments of humanity as a whole from the beginning of history to the present. The advancement of each society and, as a result, its contribution to global civilisation are covered by this general treatment.

In order to be clearer, world history considers the origins and evolution of early man as a human species, his interactions with his environment, his early settlements in river valleys, and his advancement in religion, art and architecture, literature, industry, agriculture, trade, and commerce.

Western nations experienced a new period characterised by scientific advancements, the renaissance, enlightened royal dictatorship, and geographic discoveries. The western industrial revolution led several of its countries to seek out colonies in America, Africa, and Asia.

The colonial populations had to struggle for a very long period to free themselves from the grip of western imperialism and become independent. Thus, world history provides a record of both human progress and the struggle of humans against various forms of oppression.

The United Nations Organization was established in order to prevent nuclear war and chaos, and it is a true representation of the ambitions of modern humanity.

Organizing history by time periods

Prehistoric (from 1,000,000 B.C. to 5000 B.C.) and historic periods are the two main divisions of human history (from 5000 B.c. to the present). Archaeologists split human history into distinct eras while taking into account the various tools he employed. For instance, the palaeolithic, mesolithic, neolithic, chalcolithic, bronze, iron, and modern ages are all mentioned.

Since the historical era is the focus of the majority of our research, historians further divided it into three periods: the ancient world (5000 B.C.–500 A.D.), the mediaeval world (500 A.D.–1500 A.D.), and the modern world (1500 A.D. to the present).

The aforementioned classification was created in order to highlight the various societal lifestyles. A world book that fails to highlight to students the differences in people’s modes of life leaves a significant knowledge gap in their understanding. This is why periodization is so important in world history.

Historical timeline of the world

Many significant events are inadvertently dated using the Christian calendar. A significant period in Christian history began with the birth of Jesus Christ. As a result, they began recording the years as either n.c., or before Christ, or A.D. Four years after the birth of Jesus, the Christian era began. Jesus Christ was born on December 25, 4 B.C., as everyone should know.

Civilization and Culture

Typically, a history student should be conversant with the definitions of several concepts, especially terms like “culture” and “civilization.” The term “culture” simply refers to a human group’s way of life. It covers a person’s basic requirements, such as food, clothing, and shelter, as well as his or her traditions, manners, attitudes, thoughts, and worldviews.

In other words, culture encompasses all of a man’s social activities that aim to improve his lot across a variety of spheres. Culture includes his interests in music, philosophy, study, literature, architecture, and all the other things he does to live a happy life.

A civilization that is advanced is said to be in a civilised state. This status is attained by a huge community through revolutions in each field or facet of culture.

It is believed that a community made a significant advancement toward civilization when it created tools, writing, and a calendar. “Our culture is what we are, and our civilization is what we use,” stated Maciver.

Factors that Contribute to Cultural Development

Geographic Variables: It is important to talk about the elements that influenced the development of culture. Elsworth Huntington considered the geographical components, such as soil and climate, to be the most crucial. A hostile environment would never allow a culture to flourish.

A group’s ability to survive depends on its access to water, soil, climate, natural obstacles, and the urge to protect itself. The early civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China were all influenced by these geographical variables.

Unique Minority: The renowned historian Arnold J. Toynbee explored a variety of other elements in his magnum opus Study of History in addition to the geographical causes.

He alluded to how the creative minority plays a vital role in any civilization. The intelligentsia fostered growth-friendly conditions in each culture. They held important positions in the state’s civil and military administration.

He also identified a number of issues as being extremely important for the self-preservation of culture. A civilization that has just emerged must overcome a number of obstacles in order to survive. It frequently manifests itself as a battle, civil war, uprising, earthquake, or famine.

Financial Security and Recreation: If creative activity is not adequately nurtured, a culture may die. Poverty may be an enemy of creativity in society. People there would be troubled by a lack of necessities for daily living. As a result, there might not be enough free time for people to engage in creative endeavours.

Therefore, a certain degree of economic prosperity can prove advantageous for the advancement and development of culture. The value of creativity has been emphasised by Alfred L. Kroeber in Configurations of Culture and CE.M. Joad in What is Civilization?

Urban Cultural Disparity: Cities were typically the centres of culture. There, individuals discussed and traded ideas. Educational institutions are supported in urban areas.

They serve as brokers for the dissemination of culture. Athens was a significant cultural hub in ancient Greece and attracted students from nearby nations to its educational institutions. Therefore, cities are where culture is nourished.

Trade: Cities’ economic development and expansion are dependent on substantial trade. Throughout the Middle Ages, numerous towns and cities arose along the trade routes. Italy had a stranglehold on trade in the Mediterranean following the Crusades. Her cities saw great prosperity. Her prosperous merchants gave the Renaissance in the fifteenth century the necessary push to resurrect a new civilization.

Culture Advances with New Ideas and Knowledge: A culture should be able to welcome new ideas and knowledge in addition to adapting to a new environment. Following Commodore Perry’s warning and observation, Japan was unable to keep its doors locked against the introduction of a foreign civilization. She didn’t respond with resistance but with submission instead.

The Japanese Emperor’s new administration promoted the westernisation process. Science and technology, or superior knowledge, were what made the West so great. It was also acquired by Japan, which rose to power.

Good Social and Political Climate: State patronage was mentioned in the paragraph before this one. It is crucial to understand that culture develops in an environment that is both politically and socially stable.

In order for people to grow as individuals, a state and society should encourage them to “think freely and afresh.” Great people have often sacrificed their lives as martyrs for the ideals they were deeply committed to, including Socrates, Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, and Mahatma Gandhi.